About Us
We are a collective of change makers with family experience of disability, deep non-profit service leadership and a passion for designing services and systems that are ethical and more humanizing for those needing to access any kind of social service supports.
Our Vision
MyCompass Planning makes humanized social services case management so compelling that individuals, organizations and governments instinctively centre their work around the rights, needs, and aspirations of the people they serve.
Our Mission
We redesign social service case management interactions alongside the people we serve, resulting in a more humanized, efficient and engaging support system that allows people to truly thrive.

Not just another piece of software
MyCompass is not just another piece of software. It’s a powerful tool of systems change that humanizes the case management journey for people served in social services. It was carefully co-designed over 10 years by people with disabilities, disability service leaders, government funders, service providers, and thought leaders in systems change.
The innovation of MyCompass is that we are the only case management tool that centres people served while at the same time making it easier for families and organisations to do what they need to do to plan, coordinate, and manage supports
The innovation of MyCompass is that we are the only case management tool that centres people served while at the same time making it easier for families and organisations to do what they need to do to plan, coordinate, and manage supports
Theory of Change
How we're changing systems to be more inclusive and humanized.
Build A Movement
Build a movement to humanize social services by enabling individuals and organizations to put person-directed values into meaningful practice through innovative tools and interactions.
Research and Co-Design
Research and co-design positive planning, case management and evaluation interactions to make it easier for individuals and organizations to put the interests and quality of life of the people they serve front and centre.
Engage support workers, government and service providers in a more humanized case management approach that ensures the people they serve are not seen as numbers, their lived experience is not lost and their voices are centered.
Design tools and interactions that make it easy for people to embed rights-based principles, person-directed planning methods, human-centered interaction design, behaviour change science, and lived experience stories into every facet of their work.
Empower people served in social services and their supports to expand horizons and strengthen a growth mindset in order to improve quality of life.

How It Works
MyCompass can be purchased by an individual or family, or more commonly by an organization or government wanting a better case management tool. MyCompass facilitates more humanized service planning and along the way nudges systems and supports to more instinctively centre the voices of the people they serve.
How It Started
MyCompass is a partnership between Skills Society, SACLA, Lift Interactive, and Ben Weinlick. After 5 years of research and development with self advocates, families, government, and service providers, MyCompass is spreading. With MyCompass we are on a mission to humanize planning and case management so that people served and their supports can truly be at the helm shaping their services.