Feature Roadmap

Take a look at what we're working on and what features are upcoming.


Based on customer feedback, we are working towards building these features.
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Recently Completed

These are the awesome features we have already completed.
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Calendar Feature

May 2023
Insight into an individuals weekly or monthly schedule! Create calendar events so that contributors know what has happened that week, what is upcoming, and what they can join in on.
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MyCompass Missions

October 2021
The missions module is an engagement tool that helps people to learn by doing - to try new things, and reflect on what they would like to explore more. Organizations will be able to create their own missions with the built in mission making tool.
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Individual Satisfaction Survey

September 2021
Prompted at the Plan Review stage, this feature allows individuals to look back on their year and rate their experience with their plan and support service.
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Customizable permissions for an Organization

January 2021
Along with the default MyCompass permissions, organizations would have the ability to create custom permission levels as needed.
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Video functionality

January 2021
Ability to add 1 Native Video to timeline post and log notes.
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Management Data Dashboard

May 2020
An interactive dashboard is being created for management teams to view, review and interpret data across the organization, providing insight into how best to serve supported Individuals.
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Organization Data Dashboard

May 2020
A dashboard is being created for Organizations to review and dig into data across the organization.
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Goal Type Addition

February 2020
Select and assign a type to each goal when they are created. Reflect together if the goal is something that stretches an individual from the familiar, promotes personal growth, or is a needed "quick win".
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Liking and Favouriting Timeline Posts

November 2019
Individuals and contributors will be able to interact with Timeline Posts by the ability to "Like" and "Favourite" posts.
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Timeline Post Sharing Selection

November 2019
Individuals will be able to choose which Contributors they would like share new Timeline Posts with. Only Contributors who have been selected by the Individual will be able to view, comment on, like or favourite the Timeline Post.
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Timeline Highlight Gallery

November 2019
Favourited Posts will be highlighted on an Individuals Timeline. Timeline posts will be able to be viewed as a gallery.
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Unread Log Notes

October 2019
Team Leads and Managers have a listed view of all Unread Log Notes for Individuals that they are Contributors for. Unread Log Notes can be reviewed in a seamless stream of Log Notes. Unread Log Notes will automatically be marked and time stamped as "Read".
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Data Exporting (of all users data)

July 2019
Export the entirety of an individuals data including photos, log notes and timeline posts.
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Critical Incident Reports

June 2019
Critical Incidents can be created, with notifications automatically securely sent to specific contributors for review. Team Leads, Support Workers and Managers can create a comment thread directly on the Incident Report.
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Community Mapping

December 2017
Pin important private locations for an individual or public locations accessible throughout the organization.
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Detailed Incident Reporting

January 2024
Additional options for reporting and viewing incidents, critical incidents and concerns.
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MyCompass Single Profile

January 2024
A MyCompass version for single individuals or families that manage their own government support contracts.

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