Staying Connected During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Southern Alberta Community Living Association (SACLA) has realized just how invaluable MyCompass Planning is for staying connected while physically distanced. SACLA came up with a creative way to use MyCompass as an internal communication platform for people to keep each other in the loop and informed more easily.
With safety and confidentiality top of mind, SACLA easily set up contributor permission levels correctly and then created a MyCompass profile titled SACLA: Connect, Contribute, Cultivate. This profile allowed the whole organization to connect with each other, share resources, creative strategies and ideas to empower and connect the people they serve. They also used this profile to set up and plan important virtual events. SACLA said,
"MyCompass made gathering interest and RSVPs to these virtual events a breeze and created a social platform where the people we work for and our staff could connect."
MyCompass allowed us to create an optimal solution for fatigue, mental health strain and boredom - improving the lack of social and recreational connections during the lockdown, which began a space where people could connect, contribute, and feel valued.
MyCompass made a direct impact on our organization's ability to enhance lives, communicate, and engage through the uncertainty of a global pandemic.
For example, through connecting and sharing creative ideas in MyCompass, this helped connect Levi with learning to make/produce/DJ music during the pandemic.
In August Levi hosted a virtual dance party that he DJ’d in mid August.

Creative Way to Use MyCompass
How to do this for MyCompass Users
1. Have an administrator double check contributor permission levels set for MyCompass
2. Administrator creates a new profile with a title that is not a person's name, but a title like - Our Place to Connect, Contribute, Cultivate
3. Invite the contributors to this profile. Contributors who already have management permission levels will automatically see this
4. Connect, Contribute, Cultivate